Be cautious of spoofing

Cybercriminals use a range of tactics to trick web users into responding to an email, downloading an attachment, or submitting a form on a website. With spoofing attacks, cybercriminals pretend to be a person or company that the users may know or trust.

Varnavas Law Firm has recently been informed of an email scam involving persons posing as company officers, or falsely claiming to represent the company or company group affiliates while soliciting the opportunity to become collection agents on behalf of the company.

Please be aware of an email fraud involving persons posing as Varnavas Law Firm officers or claiming to represent the company or company group affiliates sent by the fake email address [email protected] or a similar email address.

Please be aware of this scam. If you receive email solicitations from anyone posing as the company, its group affiliates or company officers that appears even remotely suspicious, contact us immediately. All our emails end with

Do not respond to these emails or communicate with the sender, do not send money and do not provide the sender with any personal or financial information. Also, avoid clicking on links included in the emails, or the attachments, as doing so may result in malware or a virus being loaded on the recipient’s computer.

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