Greece Presents the Digital Nomad Visa | How Does it Compare to Other Schemes

The Digital Nomad Community has been expanding worldwide, governments have established programs to host more residents. The most well-known types of digital nomads include retired and financially independent people. Greece is introducing its own program through the recently passed Law 4825/2021 (Government Gazette Α’ 157/4.9.2021) permits non-EU citizens who wish to work remotely from Greece to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa. More specifically, according to the new art. 18 par. 1, ie Law 4251/2014, the following shall apply:

1. Eligibility | Who is eligible to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa:

Any foreigner, non-EU citizen, who wishes to work remotely from Greece and is:

A) Self-employed or;

B) Dependent employee, for a period of up to twelve (12) months.

2. Process | Which authority is competent for the issuance of a Digital Nomad Visa:

The Greek Consulate of the place of the applicant’s main residence is the competent authority to receive the application for the issuance of a Digital Nomad Visa.

The non-EU citizen fills the application alongside the required documents, by physical presence or remotely (via email or letter). The Greek Consulate is obliged to respond within ten (10) days from the filling of the relevant application and to complete the process of the Digital Nomad Visa issuance.

Keep in mind, that the ‘one-stop shop’ department of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum is competent to issue the Digital Nomad Visa.

3. Conditions | What are the terms for the issuance of a Digital Nomad Visa :

A) Provision of evidence that he/she has sufficient resources at a stable income, to cover his/her living expenses during his/her stay in Greece, without burdening the national social welfare system.

The amount that was set is 3.500,00 euros per month and is proved 1) by the employment contract or 2) by bank statements. The above minimum amount refers to the net income, after payment of the required taxes in the country where the employment or services are provided.

The above-mentioned amount is increased by twenty per cent (20%) for the spouse and by fifteen per cent (15%) for each minor.

B) During his/her stay in Greece, the main applicant and/or his/her spouse and/or his/her family members are not allowed to provide dependent work or professional activity in Greece.

4. Visa period | For how long is the Digital Nomad Visa valid:

A Digital Nomad Visa is valid for a period of up to 2 years.

The non-EU citizen and his/her family members may apply for a two-year period Digital Nomad residence permit upon application submitted prior to the expiration of the digital Nomad Visa. This type of visa may be renewed every two years.

This application is filed before the ‘one-stop shop’ department of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum.

5. Beneficiaries | Concerning family members of the digital nomad:

Family members are eligible for an individual Digital Nomad Visa, valid for the same period as the main applicant’s visa. As family members are considered:

A) The spouse.

B) Minors under the age of 18.

6. Exemption | Apply for the Digital Nomad Visa during the applicant’s stay in Greece:

If the non-EU citizen and/or his/her family members have already entered the Greek territory with a uniform type of visa or under a visa waiver regime, has/have the opportunity to apply before the ‘one-stop shop’ department (in Greece) for the issuance of that type of residence permit, within the period of validity of their visa.

7. Presence in Greece | Minimum stay in Greece:

Periods of absence from Greece, do not prevent the renewal of the residence permit, as long as they do not exceed six (6) months per year.

How does the Digital Nomad Visa Compare to the Greek Golden Visa (residency through investment) and the FIP Visa (Financially independent person)?

Download the compression chart here: Greek Residency Schemes Comparison

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